Abbeydale, Calgary, Alberta Real Estate and Homes for Sale
About 80% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home and 20% are renters. In this part of Calgary, about 55% of dwellings are single detached homes, whereas the rest are mainly duplexes, mobile homes, and townhouses. Most housing in this area was built in the 1960s and 1970s, during its most significant construction boom. This part of Calgary is primarily composed of four or more bedroom and three bedroom homes. Read more about Abbeydale real estate
The favoured method to navigate Abbeydale is very often a car. Many houses for sale are a short car ride from the nearest highway, and it is easy to come across a place to park. However, getting around by transit can be at times challenging in Abbeydale as a result of the low service level. Nevertheless, the neighbourhood is connected by a few bus lines, and bus stops are not very far-removed from most homes. Biking is difficult in this part of Calgary as. Thankfully, the topography is reasonably flat. Walking in Abbeydale is also not very popular, despite the fact that many common errands can be run on foot.
Accessing the closest grocery store on foot is practical for some, but not all, house buyers in Abbeydale. There are also a limited number of options for those who value restaurants and cafes in close proximity. Regarding education, primary schools and daycares are convenient to access on foot from most houses for sale in Abbeydale. In contrast, there are no high schools in this area.
Abbeydale offers a calm environment and will appeal to home buyers who enjoy spending time outdoors. This part of the city is quiet, as the streets are generally quite peaceful. Finally, parks are very well-located and there are around 10 of them nearby for residents to discover, making it very easy to reach them.