Springfield South, Winnipeg, Manitoba Real Estate and Homes for Sale
In Springfield South, around 85% of buildings are single detached homes, whereas the rest are mainly townhouses. Most housing in this neighbourhood was built between 1960 and 1980, during its largest construction boom. This neighbourhood is primarily composed of three bedroom and four or more bedroom homes. Nearly all of the units in the neighbourhood are occupied by homeowners and the remainder are rented. Read more about Springfield South real estate
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The best method to navigate this area is very often driving. Accessing a parking spot is quite easy, and it is a short drive to the closest highway from anywhere in this neighbourhood. In contrast, the public transit service in Springfield South is not very frequent. Nevertheless, homeowners benefit from a few bus lines, and the closest bus stop is typically very close. This part of Winnipeg is not especially convenient for those who travel by foot because few common errands can be run without the use of a car.
It is a reasonably short walk to reach daycares and primary schools from most homes for sale in this neighbourhood. In contrast, Springfield South does not contain any high schools. In terms of food, it is sometimes practical for house buyers in this part of Winnipeg to access the closest supermarket on foot. Nonetheless, getting to the nearest pharmacy and therefore some staple foods is typically easy. A small number of restaurants can be found in Springfield South as well.
The character of Springfield South is exemplified by its slower-paced environment. This part of Winnipeg is reasonably quiet overall, as the streets are usually tranquil. Lastly, there are a few parks close by for residents to explore and they are especially well-spread out, which results in them being easy to get to from most locations within the neighbourhood.