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Dutch Settlement, Halifax, Nova Scotia Real Estate and Homes for Sale

About 90% of the population of this community own their home while renters make up the remainder. The predominant housing types in this area are single detached homes and townhouses. Around one quarter of properties in this community were constructed before the 1960s, while most of the remaining buildings were built in the 1960s and the 1980s. This community offers mainly two bedroom and three bedroom homes.  Read more about Dutch Settlement real estate

2 Homes For Sale Within 2 km of Dutch Settlement



Cars are an excellent medium of transportation in Dutch Settlement. Finding a parking spot is quite easy. It is very difficult for pedestrians to navigate Dutch Settlement because running common errands is very challenging on foot.


There are only a limited number of primary schools in Dutch Settlement and thus they can be a rather long walk away. Moreover, this part of Halifax does not have any high schools. In addition, parents may consider it very hard for their children to reach daycares on foot. With regards to eating, in all cases, a vehicle is required in this part of the municipality to access the nearest grocery store.


Dutch Settlement is great for those who need quiet areas, as there are generally low levels of noise from traffic. Parks aren't well-distributed, which results in them being rather challenging to access from the majority of locations in the community. Despite that, there are a few public green spaces close by for residents to relax in.