West Chezzetcook, Halifax, Nova Scotia Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 85% of the population of this community own their home and 15% are renters. The housing stock of this area is composed primarily of single detached homes and townhouses. Roughly one quarter of properties in this part of the municipality were built prior to the 1960s, while the majority of the remaining buildings were constructed in the 1960s and the 1980s. This part of Halifax offers mainly two bedroom and three bedroom homes. Read more about West Chezzetcook real estate
Cars are a great transportation option in West Chezzetcook. It is very convenient to access a parking spot. On the other hand, residents using public transit may find very few options in West Chezzetcook by reason of the infrequent service. Nevertheless, property owners are served by a few bus lines, and it is easy to reach a nearby bus stop from most houses. It is very challenging for people walking to move around in this area since meeting daily needs is very inconvenient.
Buying one's groceries usually demands the use of a vehicle in this community. With respect to education, there are no high schools and no primary schools in this part of the municipality. Furthermore, families may consider it very hard to access daycares as a pedestrian.
The noise levels in West Chezzetcook are very low, as the streets are generally very peaceful. Green spaces aren't well-located, which makes them rather difficult to reach. Despite that, there are a few parks close by for residents to discover.