Greely, Ottawa, Ontario Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Single detached homes and townhouses are the predominant housing type in Greely. This part of the city is primarily composed of three bedroom and four or more bedroom homes. Nearly 95% of the properties in the neighbourhood are occupied by homeowners and 5% are rented. A majority of the housing growth in this neighbourhood has happened following the year 2000. Read more about Greely real estate
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The preferred means of transportation in Greely is usually driving. It is very convenient to park. On the other hand, residents using public transit may find very limited choices in Greely as a result of the infrequent service. Nonetheless, property owners have access to a few bus lines, and it is convenient to reach a nearby bus stop from most homes. Greely is not especially cycling-friendly as Greely has a rather poor bicycling infrastructure, and there are a good number of elevation changes for cyclists to brave. It is also very inconvenient for people travelling on foot to get around in Greely as running common errands is very impractical.
House buyers in Greely generally have to use a car to reach the closest supermarket. Concerning education, there are only a few primary schools in this part of the city and therefore they can be a rather long walk away. Furthermore, this area does not have any high schools. Likewise, families may find it very hard for their kids to get to daycares on foot.
Most areas in Greely are very quiet, as there isn't a lot of street noise or city clamour. The majority of locations within the neighbourhood have good access to public green spaces, like Doug Thompson Pathway and Osgoode Gardens, since they aren't well-situated. Still, there are around 10 parks close by for residents to explore.