Broderick, SK Real Estate - Houses For Sale in Broderick, Saskatchewan
Roughly 95% of the dwellings in the village are occupied by homeowners and 5% are rented. Single detached homes and townhouses are the main housing type in this village. About one third of properties in this village were constructed pre-1960, while many of the remaining buildings were constructed in the 1960s and the 1980s. There is a higher proportion of four or more bedroom homes in this village. The average price of an MLS® real estate listing in Broderick is $ 312,300. Read more about Broderick real estate
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About Living in Broderick, Saskatchewan
Broderick is very car friendly. Parking is quite easy. It is very challenging for pedestrians to move around in Broderick because almost no daily errands can be run on foot.
There are no high schools and no primary schools in Broderick. Regarding food, in all cases, a car is needed to do groceries.
Broderick is excellent for those who prefer quiet surroundings, as the streets are generally very tranquil.