Granum, AB Real Estate - Homes For Sale in Granum, Alberta
Homes for sale in Granum have an average price of $192,500 on the MLS®. Approximately 30% of homes in Granum were built before the 1960s, with the majority of the remaining houses constructed in the 1960s to the 1980s. Single detached homes dominate the housing landscape, defining much of the town's character. About 80% of the homes in Granum are owner-occupied, while the remaining 20% are rental properties. The town primarily offers homes with three or more bedrooms. Read more about Granum real estate

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About Living in Granum, Alberta
Granum is especially car friendly. It is very convenient to park. Walking is not very practical for house buyers in this town because meeting daily needs is very impractical on foot.
In Granum, parents and their children will typically be able to access primary schools by walking. However, this town does not contain any high schools. Regarding food, a vehicle is almost always needed in Granum to access the closest supermarket.
The noise levels in Granum are very low, as the streets are generally very tranquil.